K-12 Teachers

Paul’s in-service programs for teachers are always entertaining and fun and get the audience actively involved—and are guaranteed to get you laughing.  But they are substantive, as well.  Increasing pressures (to boost student achievement) on teachers are noted.  Humor is shown to be a powerful tool in helping teachers manage their own job-related stress, giving them the emotional resilience they need to remain effective in their teaching role on the tough days.  Humor is also emphasized as an effective technique for easing student tensions and making learning in the classroom more enjoyable.  The use of games as a teaching strategy is also discussed.

Many teachers also report an increase in anxiety levels and behavior problems in their classroom as achievement pressures are passed on to students.  Humor is shown to be an effective means of creating a more relaxed environment conducive to learning and a means of stimulating interest in learning among students.

Paul’s workshop for teachers focuses on the use of humor and games as a teaching tool in the classroom.  Evidence of the impact of humor on learning and retention is discussed, and general strategies for using humor to support learning are discussed.  Examples of specific humor-centered lessons in a range of different subject areas are provided.

Client List
Armonk School System (NY)
Cape May School System (NJ)
Fort Campbell School System (KY)
Kinnelon Board of Education (NJ)
Loudon County Public Schools (VA)
Mid-Atlantic Association for Employment in Education
Red Clay School District (DE)
Red Clay Bi-Lingual Teachers