Stress-Prone Organizations and Their Employees
Speaker Brochure
- Change-driven, stress-prone organizations need creative, resilient employees more than ever before. Dr. McGhee's keynotes are a combination of substance and fun. They are entertaining, and guaranteed to get the audience actively involved and laughing. But they will also leave you with a clear understanding of how humor
- Reduces stress
- Boosts physical health and wellness
- Reduces employee sick days
- Fosters a stronger team identity
- Enhances creativity and problem solving
- Bolsters leadership and management skills
- Increases productivity
In workshops, he also shows how to develop humor skills, focusing on his Humor Skills Program (see Laughter Remedy Products).
Program Length: Ranges from 1-hour keynotes to day-long seminars.
To contact Dr. McGhee about a possible program for your group,
or to receive a press kit,
contact him by e-mail at
or by phone at
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Partial Corporate Client List:
AT&T, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Building Owners & Managers Assn., CIT Group, Commercial Law League of America, Federal Emergency Management Assn., General Motors, Hoffman-LaRoche, ITT, John Hancock Insurance, Merck & Co., Merrill-Lynch, MetLife, National Assn. of Home Builders, NYNEX, Pfizer, Prudential, State Farm Insurance, U.S. Dept. of Justice, U.S. Navy, and Xerox.
Partial Health Care Client List:
American Academic of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, American Assn. of Critical Care Nurses, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Nephrology Nurses Association, Assn. of Mental Health Administrators, Florida Head Injury Assn., Health Care Public Relations & Marketing Assn., Health Information Management Assn., Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, Middle Atlantic Health Congress, Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Wellness Conference, Oncology Nurses Society, and many hospitals and other health care organizations across the country.
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- Comments by Laughter Remedy Clients:
"Thank you for offering such a memorable program here at the corporate headquarters of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Even after several weeks, I still hear employees talking about your presentation and your suggestions for reducing stress." |
(Gail Rosselot, Coordinator of Health Promotion, Bristol-Myers Squibb) |
"We were apprehensive about whether or not we had a funny bone, but you really cracked us up!" |
(Laura Davis, Quality Committee Chair, The CIT Group) |
"You provided . . . a wonderful evening of entertainment and a keen insight into the benefit of humor and laughter in the workplace. The response . . . was overwhelmingly positive." |
(Peter W. Diestel, Vice President, Association of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey) |
"The returned evaluations have been nothing short of raves." |
(Frank Dimaiolo, Chairman of Professional Education Committee, American Cancer Society) |
"The best program on this topic yet! The program should be mandatory for all employees." |
(Charlain Andres, Education Coordinator, Carrier Foundation) |
"Your presentation received the highest scores of the day. You certainly were a hit with the audience." |
(Joan Wainwright, Conference Chair, New Jersey Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Assn.) |
"Thank you so much for a wonderful presentation. As reflected in the attached evaluation composite, the audience loved your silliness and your emphasis on improving our daily lives through humor . . . It truly was an enlightening and uplifting two hours." |
(Lila Gabriel, Training & Dev. Coord., Holmes Regional Corporate Educational Services, Melbourne, FL) |
"Paul, you've helped us on the road to lighten up, which will improve morale and productivity." |
(Richard Hamrick, Senior V. P. of Finance & Administration, Miller Enterprises, Inc.) |
"You did an excellent job of relating your message to the emergency management community . . .
You made us look good!" |
(Elizabeth Armstrong, Executive Director, National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management) |
"Of all our presenters, you received the greatest number of "excellent" evaluations." |
(Estere Pilgrim, Managing Director, The Wellness Project) |
"You've helped make our industry's 101st Annual Convention a big success!" |
(Robert O. Lehrman, President, Community Bankers Association of New York State) |
"We had been looking for a different learning experience with a focus on creating a healthier work environment. Your program on the use of humor to reduce stress and improve productivity really fit the bill." |
(Mary Anne Robinson & Marty Morehouse, Corporate HR/Communications, Allied Signal, Inc.) |
"You left a lasting impression in the minds of our conference participants, and they will be talking about your insightful views of the work world for years to come." |
(Jim Morford, President, & Linda Doherty, Vice President, New Jersey Food Council) |
"I have received nothing but positive comments to your presentation, from those who attended. Your program was not only entertaining, it was extremely valuable and informative." |
(Chief Dan H. Colluci, President, New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police) |
"I have heard so many wonderful comments since your presentation. "Great, just what we needed", "Thanks for all the ways to use humor in my everyday life" "Fantastic!", "Wonderful", "Wish everyone could have been there!"" |
(Connie Jackson, Staff Wellness Coordinator, Fort Campbell High School) |
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